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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The first frost

Yes, last Saturday and Sunday I awoke to the wondrous sound of cars being scraped. After so many months of sunshine winter finally decided to turn up. So excited was I, at 5am on Sunday I was awake and packing my bag. I had heard the deer calling and knew the rut must have begun, but I was yet to locate any individuals.

Sunday I managed to at least find some deer, both fallow and red, in a 5000 hectare park near here. Easy to find they are not as numbers are carefully controlled and the park is in fact Munich's largest underground water reserve. But find them I did, at 7am, still dark enough not to be able to focus. But I waited. The deer left. I cried. Some came back, one big motha roared and stamped around, a few hinds turned up to watch. Then it was time to go, before the other halves woke up (this way I get to go out again).

So I know where they are and I have around two hours free in which to photograph them again before flying to Florida.