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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Some almost summertime GSWs.

No not really summer, but the freak high pressure we get here in Munich know as "Fön" brings dry and amazingly clear weather, not to mention high temperature and a headache! So I sat in my hide in the forest, 20°, in a tshirt. Not what I really wanted considering the snow we had four days earlier!

But along with the usual suspects I did have fun with a couple of territorial greater spotteds, presumably a mating pair as I have a male and a female.

Mr Pecker

A couple of the Mrs!

The usual suspects!

One from Sunday

Thursday, October 11, 2012

About time

Been a bit slow on photography for a while but finally got my act together for the rut here in Germany. There is only one place around Munich where you can shoot wild red and fallow deer so shots can be hard to come by, especially as the animals are very shy, given the large space they have.

All taken with 1DIV and 500 f4.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

That time of year...

...when you think "Hmmm, would like to shoot some of those little critter again!"

Well I tried but it is damn hard!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Early riser

Up early today, check the stealth cam before work and shoot some critters, which I know will be about at 5.30am. They are still not sure about cars despite the fact they drive past all day. But still managed a few in the dewy fields. All taken at 700mm on the 7D.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time off...

...for good behaviour means I dash straight for my favourite field. There are a number of hares around, presumably young uns, and some roe deer. They are all a bit skittish once hunting season starts though, so it is a game of patience.

 This is my first young deer, perhaps born early as it was quite large ut still has the white spots on its flank.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Little things again.

It must be the time of year. A sudden urge to find the small stuff and get closer. So armed with a previously found bargain, 300 f4 IS and TC I setoff in search for bugs.

Although many proclaim the 300mm lens a "nearly" Macro I have to say that is complete BS. 1.5m at 420mm does not get you all that close. I tried it with an extension tube and yes you get a bit closer at the cost of light and Autofocus speed and accuracy. Best used with just the TC then. It is a pretty sharp combo but I will not be shooting ticks and ladybirds with it.

The human parasite...

... takes another species to its grave.

RIP Lonesome George. I am glad to say I got to see him a few years ago on an amazing trip to Ecuador and the islands. Unforgettable.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lets think about it?

My good friend and much respected maestro of photography, Bill Lockhart, has just gone and gotten himself a D800. Yes, a Nikon. He finally decided that Canon were not evolving and decided it was time to try something new and  evolutionary. He has spent a week getting used to it. There seems to be some pain involved. Lots more buttons, usually in the wrong place. New lenses needed etc...

So you think, hmmm, sounds good that...

But then you sell a shot, not your best work by a mile but it sells. Then you get some more shots in a magazine. Which is great until you realize they want shots from way back when, taken on a 350D with kit lens. The processing sucked, I did not know what contrast was, I always warmed shots up until they started to burn, my Cokin filters added a colour cast and the rule of thirds was unknown. But they want the shots in their next issue, and maybe one for their calendar. Then you realize that all the money you spend on new lenses, bodies and hardware was sort of wasted since your old 350D and kit lens made more money for you than the rest of your kit put together.


Monday, May 28, 2012

A few more before the girls come back

Yes, they land soon and my time in the forest will be practically over. Not a bad thing, I had to remove a tick from my leg last night, it is the season for crawly nasties now. Roll on winter!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Spring in the air.

Finally this year after never seeming to find anything, I found  GSW nest, with GSWs in residence! Then I found a further three, unfortunately not very photographically situated. I have spend many amazing hours watching, over a number of days the chicks get bolder and stronger, practically jumping out now for their food. Unfortunately (?) here in Munich the sun has been out in force and the clouds scarce so the nest is overly dark and getting a good enough shutter speed often mean ISO1600 on the 7D...something I do not do lightly!!! Still suffering from a lack of DOF too, must try again early morning when there is at least some light in that direction.

Enough from me, here are the pictures.

Monday, May 21, 2012

It's the little things

So there I sat, waiting for imaginary badgers, surrounded by movement. Eventually as the light faded the movement became bolder and suddenly I was face to face with Stuart Little. But not just Stuart, his entire family and then some. All out to steal the peanuts left for the badgers, burried or not they found them. So I returned a night later, armed with flashes and set about trying to snap the fast, fury little fellas. At least they were willing to come out!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Post Africa blues

I realize it has been nine months or so since Kruger, but you never get over Africa, it pulls you back. To that end, and the fact I am at home sick still, I did more scraping.